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Transmigration of souls between false beliefs and religious views by Heba Abdel Fattah

Transmigration of souls and its meaning is when a person dies, his soul moves to another person, and this non-human may be, or it may be an animal, whether it is a dog, a cat or any other type of animal, and it may be a fish, or it may be a worm, and this means that when death, for the soul would have been transformed and reincarnated into another body and structure, and on this a lot of false and misleading nonsense is built. 

This false belief has been known to man since ancient times, so Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and others believed in it.

Reincarnation, or reincarnation, is a word rejected by religions while others embrace it. It means the transmigration of the soul of a person who has died in any way, the body of another human or non-human. In the spiritual definition, a person after death perishes his body, but his soul remains wandering in the universe looking for a body to return and be born in. Again, it does not have to be the hour of death, but rather later, and in the spiritual definition, after death a person perishes his body, but his soul remains wandering in the universe to return and be reborn in a new one. This condition is also called rebirth or the transformation of the soul into another body, and it is called by several names, including karma.

It came in the Talmud that God created six hundred thousand Jewish souls, and that these souls are considered part of God, and therefore he cares for them more than the souls of others, and when the soul of a Jew leaves his body, it is reincarnated, meaning it enters another body, for example, the soul of a grandfather enters the grandson when he is born To this day, they still believe in reincarnation and the transmigration of souls.

The ideas of reincarnation and the transmigration of souls were not mentioned by the Jews, so they were not rejected or accepted, and the Jewish doctrine did not develop any conception of what happens after death. Rather, it relied on two ideas based on little evidence, which is the belief in the resurrection of the dead, meaning a person dies in body and spirit, but the body is resurrected. Alone without a soul. The second is that the pure soul returns after birth, life and death to its Creator, while in the Jewish principle of Kabbalah, which is Jewish mysticism, the return of the body is a divine punishment, but it serves the soul in order to work to become complete and settle in a new body.

Among the nice stories that are mentioned in this regard is that in the late nineteenth century the King of Siam and his wife were on an official visit to France, and when they visited the palace of the President of the Republic, a small dog came to smell the man of the Queen of Siam, lick her and move his tail with pleasure, then sat on her knees and took a sniff. Of them, but she burst into tears, and wondered about the age of this dog? They told her for two years, so she exclaimed that it was my own son who died two years ago, and the President of the Republic of France did not find a way out except to convince his daughter, the owner of this dog, to give it up to his mother, the Queen of Siam.

The idea of ​​reincarnation came from any beliefs in which some believe that the soul of a dead person returns to the earth and enters the body of another human being, and this process is repeated several times. According to this belief, the soul of a destitute person will return to life as a rich person, and the soul of a blind person will return to life in a body A person with a piercing vision. Thus, the idea of ​​transmigration of souls began in the Far East, especially in the Buddhist and Hindu belief, which believes that the soul returns in other forms or as a mere soul by itself that is not visible in a visible body. That these ideas exist in our world in a way that cannot be ignored, and the idea of ​​reincarnation is its content that the soul after the death of the body does not end, but returns to live in bodies, places and times different from those in which it lived before, so the soul feels in its second life an overwhelming nostalgia for a place it did not see in its life By or by people you have never met.

Some time ago, there was news of a strange marriage. In the Philippines, a young man married a giant snake because he believed that this snake was his wife six hundred years ago.

Reincarnation here, as they believe, is the re-solution of the soul of a person who died in another body, and this wrong idea has gone through several developments. In the beginning, the Pharaohs believed that the soul returns to the same body, so they embalmed the bodies, waiting for the soul to return to its body again after hundreds or thousands of years. It takes place directly, then the development of thought and this belief was transmitted among peoples. There are those who thought that the soul moves from the body of a dying person to the body of another new person who is born, or sometimes to the body of an animal to live an inferior life. Some beliefs went too far in believing that the soul leaves the body. When he sleeps through the nostril and mouth, and then return to him upon awakening, and with the passage of time the belief that the soul moves from a dead person to another is born, and some interpreted the similarity between the son and his deceased grandfather in form, character and habits.

One of the scientists who called for the reincarnation of souls was the famous Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, who said that the soul returns to earth several times in several other births to reincarnate the bodies of other people, and between death and birth, the soul is purified in the lower world. And after death and birth, the soul will be completely purified to leave this closed circle of death and reincarnation to swim in the sky, and this thought rejects that reincarnation takes place directly, but rather after a time of purification of the soul.

And Balto – another Greek philosopher – agreed with Pythagoras, a student of the philosopher Socrates, in this process of reincarnation, but Balto said that when the soul dissolves in the body and the process of reincarnation occurs, it is defiled, then the person dies to be purified in the lower world, then returns to reincarnation of the body What, then he dies, and so on, and in the end, if the dominant characteristic of the soul is purity, then its place is in heaven, and if the dominant characteristic is filth, then it goes to eternal torment. But the more wise the soul was in the past, or the more it wished to be wise, the better its choice for the body.

That is why peoples in West Africa and in the Tlingit region of southeast Alaska believe that the wish that a person wishes before he dies in order to have a better soul facilitates the process of finding the desired body.

In the sixties the belief in reincarnation grew in North America and Western Europe and the number of those who believed in it increased, but it was rivaled by the so-called new-age-movement movement, and the number of its followers grew and increased at the end of the twentieth century, most of whom were artists and academics, and it relied on the principle that clarity of the soul facilitates the second life, while Followers of Buddhism say that a person’s behavior, quest, thoughts and feelings have an impact on his life after death, and this is what Karma teaches.

Buddhists and Hindus also believe in the transmigration of spirits, but they differ from the Greek belief that the soul may re-incarnate in the form of a plant or an animal, depending on its actions in the previous life, whether it was good or evil. There are also those who believe in reincarnation.

There are also the Brahmins and those who believe in the wandering of the soul, from body to body, and these reincarnations are represented as punishment or reward for the soul, and it remains like this until it departs from these incarnations to the Most High.

As for Plato, he believed that the number of souls is limited, so the necessity necessitated that the soul depart from one body to another body.

The ancient Egyptians believed that in man’s ability to return to life after his death, because death is a repose in the grave until the soul of the dead returns, and wears, or is reincarnated, its second body again, and the soul is reincarnated sequentially in the form of images of all the animals that live on earth, To return after that to a human body, in order to begin again with its eternal journey (rebirth), and some Egyptians believed that the god Osiris was reincarnated in the form of the body of a calf.

Therefore, they defined the transmigration of souls as the transfer of the soul or the human soul when separated from the body from one body to another, and transmigration means making the bodies as shirts for souls that move from one to the other round after turn, and it is said that transmigration means that his soul moved from his body to another body. The subject of the action is the active spirit or mind, as Aristotle says.

Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism recognize the doctrines of Karma (rebirth), because justice and moral and spiritual perfection are not achieved in one life. Rebirth gives an individual an opportunity to advance towards perfection.

There is no doubt that the Canaanites and the Phoenicians believed in the afterlife, for they buried the dead, with him or near him, his belongings, money and weapons. Many urns were found that were used as coffins, in which the corpse was placed folded in a grouped manner, and beside it a jug, saucer and cup for use in the afterlife.

As for the Chodra class or the servant class, and they are a sect of some South Asian peoples, they believe in the doctrine of reincarnation of souls and they call it karma. The evil one moves to a body on the same level, until he reaches the stage of immortality where he unites with himself, and in this stage he is given one opportunity after another to get to know his Lord in more than one life cycle. He fulfilled the conditional duty of marriage and childbearing.

Here we move to what the Hindus believe about the transmigration of souls, as the Indians believe in the transmigration of souls:

Its meaning: that when the soul leaves its body at death, it moves to another body and continues in this way until it settles in its first origin from which it was issued, which is God Almighty. This idea of ​​reincarnation includes the idea of ​​the unity of existence that the Indians said; Because in their view all beings include a spirit that originated from the One God, and the beings in fact are the spirit that flows, with that belief and what is meant here reincarnation proves that the Hindus and other peoples who believe in it do not believe in resurrection, and therefore there is no other life beyond which every soul will be held accountable for what it has earned, and therefore There is neither heaven nor hell as it is in the monotheistic religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and these are emotional barriers between the peoples of Asia who believe in reincarnation and other peoples, especially if we know that the Chinese in their Buddhist beliefs agree with the Hindus in believing in reincarnation, and Buddhists and Hindus make up more than 90% of the peoples Asia, which means that the Asian continent is a believer in the transmigration of souls in most of them.

And here is the belief among the Druze regarding the transmigration of souls, as the Druze believe in reincarnation and reincarnation, that is, the soul’s transition from a human body to another human body, given that the soul does not die for them, but rather its shirt (the body) dies, and wear and tear befalls it, so the soul moves to another shirt.

This concept is one of the foundations of the Druze faith. According to this belief, the soul of a Druze person is reborn immediately after his death in the soul of a Druze newborn who resides in the body of a pregnant woman, and after his birth he sometimes remembers some of his previous life. Their strong belief in the transmigration of souls represents a relief from grief due to the loss of life, and this belief promotes tolerance and solidarity among the members of the Druze sect, who believe that they are born one with the other.

According to the Druze view, the body is like the garment that the soul changes. The lack of real importance of the body among the Druze is evident in the absence of the need for burial rituals, such as the gravestone and visiting the grave of the dead at specific times, or even in bringing the body to the place of residence of the deceased’s family. Although there are cemeteries, there are often no tombstones among the Druze.

The belief in transmigration of souls among the Druze also refers to the inadmissibility of crying over the dead, given that his soul was resurrected in a new born, which brings joy to his family.

But there is another opinion of some scholars, where they explain the emergence of the early geniuses of children, that these children are only small bodies, but the souls that inhabited these bodies are old and mature. Some scholars believe that the early brilliance of the Austrian musician (Mozart) is something of this And the American scientist (Edgar Watson) believes that the Belgian child (Andre Lenour) must be a living model for this theory. And he doesn’t know how to count from one to ten!!

Scientists also said that a person may remember his previous life that he lived in a previous body, and in 1956 a Brazilian writer issued a book entitled (They were there.. and they became here) by an author named “Morri Bernstein.” The most important thing in the book is that a Brazilian woman said that she was living before that (In a previous life) in Ireland, and the author left nothing from this lady’s life that he did not present to scholars, then traveled with the lady to Ireland, and let her know the places where she lived? It is strange that this lady was entering the museum and saying: This was present in the place of so-and-so, and this was part of the house of so-and-so, and the archaeologists were confirming everything she said, although she never left Brazil.

In addition to the fact that hypnotists face many of these events and anecdotes, it is possible for the hypnotist to ask the person who slept to return to his childhood period, and narrate what happened at that time, and the hypnotist is surprised that the childhood of this sleeping person was in the tenth century or The eleventh, or it was before the birth, then he narrates strange events in languages that that person does not know at all if he wakes up from sleep.

Scientists also say that the reincarnation of souls gives them a new opportunity to atone for their past sins and sins, that is, to pay off the debts of the past, and improve the current situation to obtain development and advancement, and a means to obtain more experiential knowledge, and in re-incarnation the soul carries a certain message among humans, such as a person who comes from Traveling far away to a poor and remote country with the aim of performing a specific message, and they also say that in the return of the incarnation the soul transcends sexual differences, it is possible that a woman in a previous life embodied in the form of a man, and therefore the character of femininity prevails, and if the opposite happens, the woman finds her features and the roughness of men.

The well-known Indian journalist and writer of detective stories, Karim Rasin Chauhan, recounted that he once met the boy Trajet from the Singh family, who told him that he was in the afterlife and he remembered many of them. The boy’s family told him that since he was two years old, he talks about his other life, and he ran away from the house to look for his first home, and he knows in which village he was living at that time and knows the name of his mother and father and the school in which he studied, and he said that he rode in his other life on the 10th of September (September 10) September) 1992 The bike was heading home. A young man riding a motorcycle hit him and as a result he was injured in the head. The next day, he died. His current father, Ranjit Singh, said that the boy was insisting on what he said, which prompted him and his wife to go to the village where he says he was born. At first, he did not find anyone to confirm his son’s saying that he gave descriptions to his parents in his first life, as he claims, but one of the residents advised him to go to the neighboring village and talk to the school teacher, who confirmed to him that the motorcycle accident had occurred, and he also found the address of the parents, and it was a great surprise when he met Trajet Singh his father in the first life, so he reminded him that his books after the accident were stained with blood, and he also told him how much money he had that day, and his mother cried from the first life and carried him the book contaminated with blood and dirhams and kept them as a memory, and when the boy was shown a picture of his parents’ wedding in the case Ya first knew them quickly despite advancing age.

The writer did not believe what he heard or reject it, but he was curious and wanted to know the whole subject until the end, so he visited the two families separately in the two villages after that, and heard the same story. The price of the book that I bought from him is in debt and it seems that he was coming to him to pay for it.

It was also confirmed to journalist Rasen Chauhan that the boy, the son of the Singh family, never went to school because his family was very poor, but when he was asked to write the letters of the Latin and Punjabi alphabets, he wrote them without any mistakes, adding his writing to a lot of difficult words as well, and compared his handwriting with that of the boy who He died in the accident and he never distinguished between them, and according to what he said as an expert in criminology, it is not possible for two people to have the same handwriting because each hand has its own peculiarities in writing, and this is what makes it easier to detect fraud and forgery. One of the reincarnations told him that when the soul incarnates another body, it also takes with it the characteristics of the first body, also the characteristic of handwriting. In order to be sure, the writer took the handwriting of the boy and the deceased young man and examined it with calligraphy experts, and it turned out that it was from one hand.

The other story happened in northern China

A man and his wife were fulfilling all the wishes of their weak and always sick son, and after his weakness increased and he was about to die, he asked them to slaughter a horse for him, and that horse was all they had, so that the boy could eat his meat, but they refused. One day the boy insisted on his request with great insistence on them by saying I will die so I want to eat a piece of horse meat now otherwise it will be late and I will die before that, and for fear of him they slaughtered the horse and the mother cooked the meat and presented it to her son and after he ate he died a few hours later, and after the burial he came To them a Buddhist monk knew the story without anyone telling him, and he told them that their son was the son of a rich family and when he was 18 years old he went with his family to visit his relatives who slaughtered a horse in their honor, but the young man was wounded by an arrow and he was willing to eat horse meat The monk described the boy and the young man, and it became clear that they had the same marks on their bodies, and the similarities in customs were close to an unusual degree.

In his latest book on reincarnation and the reincarnation of souls, the American writer and psychologist Carter Phipps cited many accounts of reincarnation, the most important of which is what happened to James Linneger, who was born in a good psychological and physical condition. Kids which worried his parents. He would always wake up and tell his mother the nightmares he used to see, that the plane had fallen and the little man in it could not get out of it. Then his mother wondered if her son James’ love for planes was hidden more than what she saw or heard from him, or was what he told only from the imagination of a child And she remembered one day that she had bought him a military plane carrying a missile under her wing, as she thought, so her son corrected her information for her and said, “Oh, my mother, this is not a missile, but a fuel tank. With time, James seemed to have more nightmares and told them to his mother in addition to stories from his past life, and he once told his parents that he was a pilot in the US Air Force over the aircraft carrier named Natoma, so that he remembered his friend’s name on the ship and his name was Jack Larson, which The father got worried and decided to look into the issue more deeply, and indeed he obtained amazing information, because the US aircraft carrier Natuma was already stationed in the Pacific Ocean and Larson’s friend, who is still alive and lives in Kansas, was on board.

And one day, while James and his father were flipping the pages of a book about World War II, he put his finger on a picture of a Japanese island and said its name, out of hesitation, that it was Iwo Jima Island and that he fired a missile at his plane and it fell over this island after its engine was hit directly. The parents are more excited to know their son’s past and whether he has a real previous life, and if that is how it was, and they noticed that when he pronounced his name he was saying James III, so the father searched in the list of names of those who were on the aircraft carrier and his plane crashed on the Japanese island and found the name of James M. Houston Jr., the third generation in the family, was actually killed in Japan when his plane was hit during the war.

Among the German scientists who were preoccupied with the issue of reincarnation and the transmigration of souls is the scientist Antroposov Rudolf Steiners, who said in a lecture he gave ten years ago in Munich and attached to the files of psychology and cases of the unseen, that many of the observations confirmed the correctness of the Buddhist and Hindu belief in reincarnation or the transfer of the soul from a body that died to another body. In time, where else does the soul go after it leaves the body? It hovers in space looking for its own body because it does not perish.


But the heavenly religions have another opinion. In Christianity, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III says, Christianity does not believe in multiple incarnations of the soul after death, and successive lives of man, as these scholars currently advocate, and as advocated by the Indian and Buddhist religions.

And some philosophies such as Neoplatonism, Origen, Pythagorean, and others. Rather, the teaching of the Bible is clear in saying, “It is appointed for people to die once, and after that judgment” (Heb. 9:27), and the phrase “die once” negates the theory of “successive lives” advocated by those who They say that the human soul, after its separation from the body, returns to another incarnation united with another human being or an animal, and it may enter several incarnations, once as a woman, and another as a man, once as a child, meaning it incarnates and then dies, then reincarnates again and dies, and His Holiness Pope Shenouda III adds in response On the phenomenon of genius and brilliant children in a particular science, those engaged in the science of spirits, and those who believe in reincarnation, try to prove the reincarnation in the presence of some genius children. Some of them excelled in literature and poetry, far beyond their age, and some in other fields of brilliance, and they attribute this to the fact that these skills were theirs in previous lives, that is, brilliant people from those who died before, re-incarnated in me personally. These children died, and here Pope Shenouda III responds to that with the following points:

Some of these children acquired their brilliance through heredity and many scholars say that music in particular is one of the arts that is most related to heredity. His family are musicians in successive generations, and if one of the children inherited a genius in an art from one of his parents, or from both parents, then there is absolutely no reason to attribute this to the fact that one of the old geniuses came back to life and embodied in him.

Another point is to return brilliance to a talent from God: Not everyone is an artist, but there are a few people who have the gift of art, and God has given them this talent, so He gives some the gift of music, some the gift of poetry and literature, some the gift of singing, and some the talent of drawing or sculpting, and so on. And God is the Giver, there is no objection to He granting talent to young people as He bestows it to adults, and often a person is born with the talent latent in him, it appears later according to the available circumstances, or it is discovered in this child by an adult or specialist at some time.

But if one of the dead has returned to incarnation in this brilliant child, then many objections stand against this matter, including that the genius musician who died and returned to incarnation, did he only return to incarnation with the gift of music only, or did his soul return to life with all its knowledge, And all her experiences, and all the thoughts and desires that she acquired before throughout her past life?!

The genius child

Why doesn’t he take a lot of talent from past lives – as they say – why did he only take music!!! Why didn’t he take the language too!!! Why didn’t he take the knowledge!!!! Didn’t the soul that returned to incarnation have all this!! Why didn’t the baby speak when he was born!!! Why didn’t he talk about his experiences?! Why did the intelligence of the man who died and returned to incarnation not appear in him?!

Or is the soul that has returned to incarnation taken from it all its knowledge, and only the talent of music or poetry remains for it?! Isn’t that against logic?

As for the soul, it is the one that tastes death, and the Almighty says: (Every soul is the taste of death) [Al -Imran: 185], and the soul is the one that is held accountable on the Day of Resurrection, the Almighty says: (And fear a day that you will return to God, and for the sake ) [Al-Baqarah: 281].

Therefore, we find many people confuse the concept of the soul and the soul, and the Qur’an clearly differentiates between them. The soul is mentioned in hundreds of places in the Qur’an. We find that the soul is mentioned only 23 times (the number of years of the revelation of the Qur’an), and God has named the Qur’an the soul. The Almighty says: ( Likewise, we have revealed to you a spirit from our command, what you know what the book, and no faith, but we made it alight.


As for the Almighty’s saying to the reassuring soul: (Then enter me among My servants), meaning, enter among My servants. The word (in) came here to express an accurate expression of the love of God’s righteous servants for each other and their concern for each other until they become like one body. Therefore, Solomon, peace be upon him, did not say: And enter me By Your mercy among Your righteous servants, He only said: (And enter me with Your mercy among Your righteous servants), and this does not mean that our master Solomon asked his Lord to enter him among the righteous servants, but to enter him among them and be one of them.

God is swift in reckoning) [Ar-Ra’d: 49-51] We ask God Almighty to save us from the torment of the Day of Resurrection.

As for the scientific evidence that reincarnation and cloning are unfounded, until this moment, scientists have not discovered any phenomenon that indicates the reincarnation of souls, their reincarnation, or their solutions in creatures. Rather, as soon as a person dies, his body begins to decompose and there is nothing that can be known after death. The Qur’an is the only book that describes the afterlife with amazing accuracy.

There are experiments that scientists are doing today to discover the secrets of death, and they claim that some patients have experienced temporary death and saw a tunnel at the end of which light, and some of them consider that death is a natural process of decomposition of the body and its transition from one form to another (as some atheists claim), and we say that all Trials will not lead to anything, because God created an isthmus after death that no one can penetrate, and the Almighty says:

In some miracles, such as the miracle of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was resurrecting the dead.

In sum, transmigration is not true, it is just false claims, and a set of lies, flimsy sayings and polemics, and there is no scientific or legal proof for it. a soul on behalf of another soul, or replacing a soul in the place of a soul, And the Almighty says: (Do not visit a visit and another butter *, and that there is no man except what he sought * and that his endeavor is a sword that is seen * and then he is rewarded. A soul will be held accountable for itself, and that the ultimate of souls is to God Almighty and not to other beings, and the Almighty says: (On the Day every soul will come arguing for itself, and every soul will die, what will be done by them, there are supernatural powers) [111] God for humans, for example, God gave supernatural energies to our master Solomon, peace be upon him, so he subjected him to the wind, mountains, demons, jinn and birds. Therefore, reincarnation or reincarnation is not built on a scientific basis, even if we see some supernatural phenomena for some children that scientists have not been able to explain scientifically, this remains until science reveals something in particular. and her guardian.

As for what came of controversy about the meaning of the Noble Qur’anic verse (How do you disbelieve in God when you were dead, then He gave you life, then He would put you to death, then He would give you life?

How do you disbelieve in God? Ibn Kathir said in his interpretation:

How do you disbelieve in God” that is: how do you deny His existence or worship other than Him?

﴿ And you were dead, so I greet you ﴾That is, you were a lack of, so I brought you to existence, as God Almighty said:﴿ Or were they created from something other than that, or they are the creators *

And he said, “Has there come to man a time in the age when there was nothing mentioned?” [Al-Insan: 1] And the verses about this are many.

﴿ And you were dead, so I will revive you, then he will die, then revive you, then to him, you will return.

Then He will kill you” a second time, after he goes out into this world.

Then He will give you life in the afterlife after which there is no death. 

“Then to Him you shall be returned”: After the second revival you shall return to God, and He will inform you of your deeds, and He will reward you for them.

At the same time, the Holy Qur’an differentiated between the soul and the soul. The words soul and soul are repeated in many verses in the Holy Qur’an, and the last word, which is the soul is singular, is frequently mentioned in the Qur’an nearly three hundred times or more, and it is not conceivable that a single word is mentioned 300 times over Considering that it is synonymous with an original word which is the word soul, and here from the apparent meaning of the Holy Qur’an that there is a soul and there is a soul, and that when the soul comes out of the human body, only God knows its command, and the dead body remains, and here remains the mystery of the soul and the idea of ​​the soul, which is what some built their idea on About that the human soul returns to life on earth several times until it is cleansed of sins, and this idea they claim is based on texts from Islamic principles, and despite the religious scholars’ fear of discussing the issue of the journey of souls after death, and the movement of spiritual search is restricted to the call of the honorable verse {And they ask you about The soul, say the soul is from the command of my Lord, and you have not been given of knowledge except a little.” However, it raised many questions related to the world of the soul, but no one can answer them, because they are in the knowledge of God.

Therefore, the owners of transmigration of souls have left behind a method of their own, and have embellished themselves with delusions, and delude themselves in lusts, and claim that the sky is empty, there is nothing in it that can be described, and that the ruler of this world is in the form of creatures, with the argument of those who narrated: that God Almighty created Adam on His image, and that there is neither heaven nor fire, nor resurrection nor resurrection, and the resurrection with them is the exit of the soul from its mold and its entry into another mold, if it was improved in the first mold, it will be returned in a better mold than it is good in the highest degree in the world, and if it is offensive, his soul becomes in some animal Tiredness in the world, or vermin with distorted character, and also, they do not have to fast, nor pray, nor anything of worship more than knowing who they must know, and everything from worldly desires is permissible for them, such as women, incest and other major sins that God Almighty has forbidden.

Therefore, the exciting idea has always been among these atheists, which has been the focus of the interest of these philosophers since ancient times, and is still of interest to everyone who searches for new, and also has become the solution to every dilemma, which is the search for justice among these atheists, and that category that has suspicions about The metaphysical world, or what we believe in, which is resurrection, heaven and hell, so reincarnation of souls solves this dilemma for them greatly, and connects its aspects in a way that convinces them, as it offers them a better life in better bodies that have a better social, cultural, health, material and scientific level, and compensates them for any suffering Or poverty, ignorance or disease that they may have suffered in their first life before their souls are transmigrated and transferred to another body after their death, as they believe.

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