أخبار عاجلة
Eamon Gilmore
Eamon Gilmore

EU Special Representative for Human Rights


Today the EU Special Representative, Eamon Gilmore, completed a three-day visit to Egypt. He met with Foreign Minister and Chair of the Supreme Standing Committee of Human Rights Sameh Shoukry, Assistant Foreign Minister and Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Supreme Standing Committee of Human Rights Khaled Aly El Bakly, Social Solidarity Minister Neveen Al Kabag, Justice Minister Omar Marwan and Assistant Interior Minister Hossam El Kholy. In the parliament, he exchanged with the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the House of Representatives, Tarek Radwan, and the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Senate, Mohamed Hiba.

Special Representative Gilmore also engaged with Egypt’s National Council for Human Rights, the National Council for Women, the National Council for Disabilities, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, civil society organisations, human rights defenders, the UN Resident Coordinator and representatives of nine UN agencies and programmes, as well as individuals with particular interests in the Egyptian human rights environment.

In his meetings with the government and the parliament, Special Representative Gilmore welcomed the publication of Egypt’s National Human Rights Strategy 2021-2026, and discussed the plans for its effective implementation. In line with this, he noted the provisions of the strategy, which address, among many other issues, the conditions for treatment of prisoners and other detainees: “all those who are arrested, detained or have their freedom restricted shall be treated in a way that preserves their dignity.” In this context, he drew attention to reports he had received of concerns about the treatment of persons in detention.

He raised individual cases.

He also sought clarification on Egypt’s commitment “to review the most serious crimes punishable by death penalty” and the legislation governing pre-trial detention. Special Representative Gilmore held extensive discussions on the application of the NGO law and its bylaws. He received assurances that the case 173 had been closed and that consequential travel bans and asset freezes are being lifted.

Following the visit, Special Representative Gilmore will provide feedback to the HRVP Josep Borrell and the EU Member States through the Council. He also intends to follow-up on the visit through further engagement with Egyptian interlocutors: “I appreciated the frank and constructive engagement I have had in Egypt over the past three days, including on the human rights situation in Europe and more broadly in the region. It is my intention to continue the dialogue on all of the issues, which were discussed during the visit”.

Eamon Gilmore
Eamon Gilmore
الغردقه - شارع الشيراتون القديم بجوار فندق روما علي البحر - تليفون  0653447115  موبايل  - 01020238453

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