أخبار عاجلة

The European Union Delegation to Egypt and Member States at the EU-funded Top 50 Women Forum

By : Heba Abdel Fattah

Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt, attended the EU-funded high-level event Women in Public Life: Towards New Horizons to promote women’s empowerment, organized by Top 50 Women Forum. The event was held at the Al Qubba Palace on November 30, in cooperation with the National Council for Women during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence and brought together women leaders in Egypt. On this occasion, the Al Qubba Palace was illuminated in orange light by Ambassador Berger, to symbolize a brighter future free from all forms of violence against women and girls around the world.

A panel discussion was held with EU Member States who gave an inspiring European perspective on women’s leadership and participation in their countries. The panel was addressed by H.E. Mrs Mateja Prevolšek, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Mr Håkan Emsgård, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden, Ms. Lina Al Nafouri, Chargée d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of the Republic of Malta, Ms. Sabine Kroissenbrunner, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Austria and Ambassador Berger.

Ambassador Berger said “Impressive gathering at the Top 50 Women Forum that saw the participation of brilliant Egyptian women and international partners. The EU is a global frontrunner in promoting gender equality and has been an active partner with Egypt in supporting an entire spectrum of gender-targeted programs. Ending gender-based violence, promoting economic, social and political empowerment of women, access to health and gender equality in education and leadership are just few elements that the EU is committed to and support throughout its programs.”

More than four hundred representatives from the Government of Egypt, the Parliament, EU Member States, development partners, and private sector representatives participated to the one-kilometer Women Walk in the Park of the Al Qubba Palace to show their solidarity with women’s empowerment. This commitment was followed by panel discussions in the Women Talk on the progress made by Egypt in empowering women, their heightened influence in decision-making and their involvement in sustainable and inclusive development. Women’s leadership experiences in other countries were also shared together with inspiring women success stories. The day concluded with a panel discussion with EU Member States who gave an inspiring European perspective on women’s leadership and participation in their countries.

The high-level event included speeches H.E. Ms. Sima Sami Bahous – UN Women Executive Director; H.E. Ambassador Christian Berger – Head of the European Union Delegation to the Arab Republic of Egypt; Dr. Mohammed Omran – Chairman, Financial Regulatory Authority;

H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment; H.E. Minister Rania Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation; H.E Minister Ines Abdel-Dayem, Minister of Culture; H.E. Dr. Hala Saeid, Minister of Planning and Economic Development; H.E. Ambassador Nabila Makram, Minister of State of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs; Ms. Dina Abdel Fattah, President and Founder of the Top 50 Women Forum.


16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.

The global theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is “Orange the world: End violence against women now” calling for global action to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy and create opportunities for discussion about challenges and solutions.  The colour orange is used to represent a brighter future, free from violence against women and girls, as a unifying theme running through all the global activities of the UNITE Campaign of the United Nations.

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