أخبار عاجلة

During a phone call … President El-Sisi and the President of Equatorial Guinea agree to activate bilateral cooperation frameworks

Written by : Tarek Saqr

During a phone call that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi made on Tuesday evening with the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Theodore Obiang , President El-Sisi stressed to his Guinean counterpart the special importance he attaches to consultations with him , especially in light of the distinguished bilateral relations that link Egypt with Equatorial Guinea , and the President indicated the keenness of Egypt to work on strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries in various fields , especially in trade exchange and investment , Especially by strengthening Egyptian investments in Equatorial Guinea , and raising the rates of trade exchange between the two countries , as well as supporting the development and building of capacities and cadres in Equatorial Guinea in all sectors with the aim of supporting the development …

On the other hand , the Guinean President praised during the call The permanent development of the course of his country’s relations with Egypt, stressing his country’s appreciation for Egypt’s pioneering role in meeting the aspirations of the peoples of the brown continent for development and prosperity , The Guinean president also expressed, during the call , his full appreciation for Egypt’s people and leadership, as well as his country’s aspiration to strengthen relations .. Bilateralism with the older sister Egypt in all fields.

الغردقه - شارع الشيراتون القديم بجوار فندق روما علي البحر - تليفون  0653447115  موبايل  - 01020238453

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