أخبار عاجلة

The “Egyptian-Guinean” relations…historical friendship and consensus on issues

Written: Mohamed Mashadi

A historic speech by Mr. Mohamed Mashadi, head of the African Youth Initiative, and an influential and effective meeting hosted by the members of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo, and in the presence of the Guinean community, in a fruitful historical session, affirming the support for relations between the two brotherly countries within the framework of popular diplomacy, the exchange of cultures and the bonds of rapprochement, and the consolidation of relations and historical roots to increase work Joint and cooperation in peace files and various fields of development

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi:

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi held a dialogue meeting with a number of members of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo, members of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo, and in the presence of the Guinean community, in a fruitful historical session, confirming the support for relations between the two brotherly countries within the framework of popular diplomacy, the exchange of cultures, the bonds of rapprochement and the consolidation of relations And the historical roots of increasing joint work and cooperation in peace files and various fields of development and investments in the arms of its youth in a complementary and auxiliary way to official institutions

He pointed out that this flows into what we seek as African youth to break the cultural barriers between the two sides, which will contribute to achieving the goals of Africa’s Agenda 2063 and achieving the hopes and aspirations of the peoples of the African continent.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Mohamed Mashady welcomed the members of the diplomatic corps and the Guinean community to the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo, indicating that we express our happiness in the Egyptian society for your presence among us as brothers of Egypt. At the bilateral, continental and international levels, referring to their important role in communicating with Guinean citizens in Cairo

For their part, the members of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Cairo expressed their appreciation to Mr. Mohamed Mashadi for providing this important opportunity for discussion in Egypt, especially that holding such a meeting is an opportunity to raise awareness of the history of the relationship between Egypt and Guinea.

Their sovereignty indicated that Egypt and Guinea have historical friendship relations, as Egypt was one of the first countries to recognize the Republic of Guinea immediately after its independence, and the exchange of relations was evidence of the close relations between the two countries, noting that Egypt and Guinea have an extended strategic partnership, and they are twins and two friendly countries, and they have a relationship Historical, and it is worth noting that the first lesson scheduled for students of the preparatory certificate in Guinea is entitled “Ancient Egypt”, and therefore it is rare to meet Guineans without knowing a lot about Egypt and its ancient history.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi indicated during his speech that Egypt enjoyed a distinguished historical relationship with Guinea since the independence of the Republic of Guinea from France in October of 1958, and this was embodied in the strong friendship that brought together the two historical leaders Gamal Abdel Nasser and Ahmed Sikotori, and Egypt supported the independence of Guinea starting from Egypt’s belief in the right of peoples to enjoy their freedom and rule themselves away from the control of foreign colonialists, and about my happiness at this moment to talk about the struggle of nations and their attainment of independence and about my happiness and pride in this brotherly country

He said: I am happy that while I am talking about the great fighter of the Guinean people and the symbol of the struggle, the leader Ahmed Sekotouri, who is the real hero who contributed with his great efforts and the sacrifice of his great people to the independence of his brotherly country. Achieving them, and the cooperative relations continued between the historical and strategic importance of Egypt’s African relations, and Egypt was keen to support its relations with the countries that lie on the western coast of Africa.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi confirmed that Egypt and Guinea hold many common values such as freedom and aspiration for the progress of their peoples, which made the relations between the two countries distinguished and contributed to strengthening the old relationship.

He pointed out that the symbols of the national movements in Egypt and Guinea, which will remain immortalized in history, pointing to the appreciation of the state of Guinea in the most important historical relations between Egypt and Guinea since the era of the late presidents Gamal Abdel Nasser and Ahmed Sikotori, and the presence of the oldest university in Guinea bearing the name of President Abdel Nasser and the launch of the name of President Abdel Al-Fattah Al-Sisi built its newest building during his visit to Guinea, as it enhances confidence in the capabilities of the two peoples to move forward in economic and social development plans and spread the culture of peace for which the United Nations General Assembly announced a program of action for it in 1999.

He added that it must also be noted that the great people of Egypt, since 2013 when they staged their great revolution, which rallied around their national leadership, have achieved miraculous achievements by all measures represented in the opening of the new Suez Canal, in addition to the gigantic ambitious project to establish a new administrative capital that is comparable to the largest cities in the world. In terms of novelty and numbers, as well as an unprecedented network of roads and bridges, and the modernization of Egyptian national capabilities in various fields. In addition to caring for African youth in particular, holding several forums in Aswan for peace and sustainable development, and declaring Aswan the capital of African youth.

He added that since then, Egypt has maintained its relations with its African brothers. Egypt begins a new era. We look forward to new horizons for cooperation during the era of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi towards improving Egyptian-African relations. The countries of the African continent in the face of the challenges that lie in wait for us. Especially terrorism, organized crime, epidemics, environmental degradation, and the danger of illegal immigration, as well as the continuous pursuit of development Sustainable investment in the African human element in various fields

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi also explained that these challenges require strenuous efforts to confront them, whether at the societal level through awareness of citizens of the importance of these responsibilities and issues, confronting them and preserving all their forms, or at the governmental level through the implementation of many major projects that the state is implementing or through Legislative development, stressing that Egypt has distinguished national experiences in challenges, in a way that enables it to deal with such challenges with the utmost efficiency and find practical solutions to them by transforming such challenges into opportunities for Africans to benefit from, and that health concern, not patients, that we feel is what drives African countries to increase readiness to deal with challenges and face any emergency they may be exposed to.

And on the cultural side

He said that I see new prospects for cooperation between our two brotherly countries for the benefit of our peoples, who have many common denominators, especially in cultural heritage and interest in arts and sports, especially football, which the great Egyptian people participate in. He explained that since the inauguration of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Egypt has had mutual diplomatic relations with the Republic of Guinea. Since its independence from France in October 1958. Since then, the two countries have been linked with strong ties of continuous cooperation and coordination. The Egyptian government provides continuous support to the sister country of Guinea in many fields, especially the development sectors and support for Guinean capabilities in the field of capacity building. Egypt was keen to support the cadres. Guinea through training courses organized by the Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa in coordination with various government agencies in many fields such as health, judiciary, police, agriculture, education, training of diplomats and others. In addition to a large number of bilateral agreements and memorandums of understanding

At the end of the meeting, he saluted all the attendees for their participation in this important and constructive dialogue, which reflected the interest and awareness of the members of the diplomatic corps and the community and its members in the issues of the continent, especially the issue that binds the people of the African continent.

Pointing out once again that I express our happiness in Egyptian society with your presence among us as brothers of Egypt, and we always assure our brothers and friends in the world that Egypt is proud of its origins, its national identity, its pride in its Arab and African affiliation, and that it is a country that is open to the world and seeks cooperation and partnership with everyone in preparation for that. We affirm that we are fully determined to do everything possible to strengthen Egyptian-African relations, especially Guinean ones, within the framework of popular diplomacy.

الغردقه - شارع الشيراتون القديم بجوار فندق روما علي البحر - تليفون  0653447115  موبايل  - 01020238453

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