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The cry of Dolores is a symbol of what is sublime and sacred to establish freedom and the feast of the revolution in the Republic of Mexico

The cry of Dolores is a symbol of what is sublime and sacred to establish freedom and the feast of the revolution in the Republic of Mexico

Likewise, this is Egypt, its history influenced by a history interacting with the human and national events that passed on its land with continuous contributions embodied in its human and civilizational history that taught humanity science, freedom and peace.

The speech of Mr. Mohamed Mashadi in a press interview he conducted on the sidelines of the celebration of the independence of the Republic of Mexico with the participation of senior officials of the Egyptian government and public figures and the participation of a large number of ambassadors of the European Union countries and ambassadors of Arab and African countries as well as members of the diplomatic corps of Latin American countries accredited in Cairo

Professor / Mohamed Mashadi

  ● Researcher specializing in African affairs and international relations

  ● President of the African Youth Initiative

He said, “I was honored to be invited and to participate in the celebration of the National Day of the Embassy of the Republic of Mexico in Cairo, and I was honored to lay a wreath on the statue of Miguel de Costa, the bomber of the Mexican Revolution against the Spanish occupation in 1810, located in the Freedom Garden in Cairo, in the presence of His Excellency Ambassador Ashraf Mounir, Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Latin Affairs, in addition to Major General / Mohamed Sultan and the Latin American ambassadors accredited in Cairo and interested in the Latin issue and a number of European Union countries.

He pointed out that I would like to express my happiness, gratitude and pleasure at this moment in attending such celebrations in which nations celebrate their independence, and Egypt and Mexico share many common values such as freedom and aspiration for the progress of their peoples, and these values stem from Egypt’s belief in the right of peoples to enjoy their freedom and rule themselves. Away from the control of foreign colonizers, and my happiness at this moment to talk about the struggle of nations and their attainment of independence and my happiness and pride in this friendly country and the important role played by these personalities for the sake of their homelands and their peoples is an appreciation for these historical figures who gave so much to their peoples Miguel de Costa, the bomber of the Mexican Revolution Against the Spanish occupation in 1810, he was a hero and a model, and he had ambitious goals and value for his continent and his country. He only sought to achieve liberation from foreign domination, and Miguel Hidalgo, the founding father of the State of Mexico, was able to achieve it. In 1821, Mexico was able to occupy its position as an independent state among countries.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi appreciated that 63 years have passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Mexico, more than half a century of friendship and cooperation distinguished by diversity and pluralism in the cultural and economic fields, and cooperation for development in addition to other important issues in the multilateral field, and the relations continued I was even enriched by the spirit of creativity and innovation of many actors that added life and substance to the relations between the two countries.

As for the economic field

He added that the depth of Egyptian-Mexican relations is based on effective partnership and consolidation of cooperation in various fields. Egypt and Mexico have exchanged diplomatic representation since 1957, and Mexico has investments in Egypt estimated at more than one billion and 200 million dollars. The Mayan civilization in Mexico and the Pharaonic civilization in Egypt are similar. Egyptian and Mexican companies with common interests continued to continue their activities. We find that Polymeros Mihikanos has opened its first factory in Alexandria, while CEMEX is participating in many infrastructure projects, reducing carbon dioxide emissions in its factories, and finding new markets for its environmentally friendly products.

On the other hand, the Picoa Chiron company in Mexico has been able to consolidate a fruitful alliance, between the public and private sectors, with the Petroferos Mijicanos company, for the joint and optimal exploitation of the oil fields. In parallel, we find companies such as Rohrbomen and KidZania that represent successful models for joint investment, and we also find other companies such as El Sewedy Electrometer and Aqualia striving to develop and develop trade relations between Egypt and Mexico. Cooperation in international relations represents a special field for rapprochement and continuous communication between the two countries. On topics of global importance such as nuclear weapons, climate change, and global migration flows. Egyptian and Mexican diplomacy are often able to conclude agreements in the field of membership nominations of many international organizations and bodies of particular importance to both countries.

And in the cultural field

He said that Egypt and Mexico have many common denominators, especially in cultural heritage, interest in the arts, love of life and sports, especially football, which the great Egyptian people participate in.

He added that Mexico and its society are a melting pot where many types of cultural heritage have fused over many years, to come out to us in a single but multidimensional expression. Mexico is proud of its indigenous roots, and its ability to wisely incorporate the contributions of the rich Spanish culture, and through it, that of the Arab community, into our national spirit. clear on it. From the Yukon in Canada to the Tierra del Fogo (Land of Fire) archipelago in Argentina, it is easy to admire the developed societies of the Americas, where cultural heritage from the continents of Europe and Africa blends with their cultural origins.

Mashadi pointed out that Egypt is a meeting place for civilizational interaction between the East and the West and between the North and the South. Multiple civilizations have followed on the land of Egypt. And that Egypt is a clear example of integration and inclusion. Egypt is the country that enriched its pharaonic heritage with continuous contributions from the empires that passed over Her land is where she formed the personality that characterizes Egyptians now: an advanced and individual personality in many ways, but at the same time open and receptive to the globalized world.

During the next period, intensive group activities are expected to be held through presentations in Cairo and Alexandria, 2 photo exhibitions and paintings on major cities, in addition to a competition in literary translation, which clearly show the pioneering role that culture represents in the relations between Egypt and Mexico. .

The channels and opportunities for cooperation using creative means have multiplied, as is evident, for example, in the establishment of virtual academic forums on topics of common interest, such as literary dialogues via the Internet between Mexican and Latin American writers, with the Egyptian public, and this has enabled Activities Communication and rapprochement between bodies that were cooperating before (as is the case between the National University of Mexico and the American University in Cairo). It has succeeded in drawing the attention of thousands of Internet surfers not only in Egypt and Mexico but also in the Arab world and Latin America as well, therefore, in the use of technology And modern methods of communication, but above all, in light of the common desire for cooperation, both countries have worked to encourage, strengthen and build bridges between new cooperation partners, and they were able to attract the attention of a new audience.

With regard to the future, there will be no change. Cultural exchange activities will continue, which is the cornerstone of bilateral relations, which is commensurate with the relationship between two countries with societies and a legacy of ancient rhyme dating back thousands of years.

During the exchange of conversation with a number of gentlemen ambassadors said Mr. / Mohamed Mashadi

He explained that Egypt is a large and attractive market for all investors, and that it monitors a real desire to empower investors, that there is a new phase in Egypt of the national launch in all fields, in conjunction with the escalation of the Egyptian role and Egypt’s status regionally and internationally during the era of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, noting that Egypt plays a role It is important in the stability and progress of the Middle East and Africa, as it reformulated the concepts of joint cooperation with all countries and is no longer limited to a group of countries to the exclusion of others to enhance Egyptian endeavors to achieve African integration in a way that achieves the aspirations and aspirations of countries, and puts in place clear and accurate mechanisms to face common challenges, on top of which are poverty and ignorance And terrorism, pointing out that achieving this integration advances all countries, creates an economic balance, and enhances national security for the Middle East region.

Pointing out that I always assure our friends in the world that Egypt is proud of its origins and its national identity and that it is a country open to the world. It has also reformulated the concepts of joint cooperation with all countries and is no longer limited to a group of countries without others. It seeks to strengthen cooperation and partnership with everyone, so that Egypt begins an era New fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the two countries, hoping for continued sincere cooperation, as well as continuing cooperation between friends and all over the world, hoping for continued progress for our peoples and affirming the strong relations that link Egypt with the countries of the world.

  He explained that the aim of this article is to celebrate the independence of the State of Mexico with its Egyptian friends, and at the same time, the relations between two countries that are proud of their dignity and culture, two countries that are always ready to overcome the challenges they face, such as the epidemic, and the geographical distance, in order to achieve prosperity and progress. Subscriber, long live Egypt and Mexico.

Allow me to say: Long live Egypt, long live Mexico, long life for our nations.

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