أخبار عاجلة

Mohamed Mashadi  … Children are the hope and future of Africa

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi

A researcher specializing in African affairs and international relations

Head of the African Youth Initiative

Mr. Ashraf El-Din Busiri, Director of the Department of the Educational and Cultural School for Nigerians in Egypt, received Mr. Mohamed Mashadi, in his office at the educational school’s headquarters, during the work of the Devafrica training programme, which is an integrated development program with very valuable content and at a high level, especially for training African students, in the presence of Dr. Reem Othman, Chairman of the Board of i am trainee, and Professor Abdel Rafi Saeed, President of the Nigerian Students Union in Egypt.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi spoke with a group of students, administrators, and teachers during the visit about the problems they face and how to improve the educational process, and he was pleased to receive a group of opinions and suggestions.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi pointed out that Egypt pays great attention to everything related to African children and serves their interests, and that it is the first country to call for attention to children in Africa, and considers this issue one of its most important priorities on the regional and international arena, given that the continent of Africa represents to Egypt. Strategic importance.

Mashadi pointed out that the most important international agreements to limit child labor is the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1990, which came into force on November 29, 1999, and was established by the African countries that are members of the African Union. This charter came about due to the observation that the situation of most African children is dangerous due to… The unique factors of their social, economic and cultural circumstances, traditional conditions, natural disasters, armed conflicts, exploitation, hunger, and due to the physical and mental immaturity of the child he needs special guarantees and care.

He added that since the luxury of President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi, the African Union Coordinator, has sought to improve the Egyptian African relations and the endeavor to develop and investigate the African fortified element, and send a message of love and peace to all B Africans, through the year of annual groups inside Egypt and hosting African youth and its convergence with Egyptian youth to increase joint work between Egypt and African countries. He pointed out that Egypt’s role did not end with the presidency of the African Union, but it continues and will continue to build On the directions of His Excellency the President towards investing in the African human capital.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi stressed that caring for children has become an urgent necessity in our contemporary time, and that all international conventions and conventions and the Geneva decisions emphasized the importance of respecting children’s rights and caring for them, and that assaulting them in any form constitutes a crime punishable by law.

Mashadi pointed out the importance of empowering the child and taking care of children in society and empowering them from a young age. This means treating society from the roots, and society must pay attention to children because they are the youth of the future and the pillars that must be created in a conscious and sound societal environment, because they will have a positive or negative role. In society in the future, prisoners must pay attention to children in the field of education and health education, especially during adolescence.

Mashadi affirmed, based on the mandate of His Excellency the President of the Republic, to strengthen Egypt’s pioneering role in… In light of the directives of the Egyptian state, it is no longer important to represent Egyptian interests in… Our approach is limited to official institutions, but we are moving at the popular level, as the role of civil society is growing. In supporting Egyptian-African relations This includes the role of youth in a complementary and auxiliary way to official institutions, and interacting with the public. These are among the issues and crises that concern the African continent, and this is in line with what we are seeking as a whole. Go to Africa to break down the cultural barriers between the two sides.

Mashadi stressed, “We are proud that the new republic’s main slogan is participation. The fruitful alliance for civil development work is writing a new history about the ability of Egyptian society to contribute to bridging the gap and facing challenges. The African Youth Initiative in Egypt provides prominent participation that reflects the Egyptian interest in the African dimension and has received media attention.” Wide.

Mashadi emphasized that the African Youth Initiative: seeks and works mainly in the field of education, development of the African human element, and self-development to achieve social and economic empowerment through training, courses, and grants, which we always seek to make available to them in cooperation with IamTrainee Company, which is one of the most prestigious training institutions at the level. International and regional through a training plan that includes three stages with a focus on three categories (youth – women – children) with the aim of building the capabilities of children, youth and women of all African nationalities in Egypt. We work to qualify African cadres from various segments of society, including students in Egyptian universities, student associations and African communities. located in Egypt for the purpose of bringing everyone to the Africa that we want through a training plan that includes training and qualifying them, building the capabilities and skills of each of them, and achieving the goals and axes of each stage of the training plan to achieve social and economic empowerment for women, youth, and children by disseminating knowledge and ensuring the increase of experts, scholars, and highly qualified people. In order to graduate qualified and trained human cadres to obtain jobs in various fields of life, and to continuously improve the means of living among us in both Egypt and the African continent, which will contribute to achieving the goals of the Africa Agenda 2063 and realizing the hopes and ambitions of the peoples of the African continent.

Mashadi referred to the training program aimed at developing Africa – Devafrica, which is an academic and educational development program targeting African children in Egypt in all fields, which was launched in cooperation with the i am trainee training company. The first phase was launched by creating an integrated development program especially for Nigerian children, and the program included the participation of students. From 7 educational schools for the Nigerian community in Egypt through coordination and cooperation Complete with the Association of Nigerian School Owners in Egypt (ANSPE). The educational and cultural school for Nigerian children in Egypt was chosen to begin the program.

Mashadi explained that the program’s axes include integrating the children of Egypt and Africa, teaching computers, studying information technology, and giving students a training course on the importance of using artificial intelligence and how to use modern technology. We also conducted a workshop to prepare practical training for students on how to create a robot and how to operate electrical circuits and their uses, and the UC-MAS programme, and learn artistic skills such as drawing – artefacts, introducing the definition of Africa and creating a link between African children from all countries in an atmosphere where peace prevails and promoting higher values far and wide. About racism, non-acceptance of others, mutual respect, love and belonging to the African continent.

Then, Mr. Mohamed Mashadi, head of the African Youth Initiative, toured the educational and cultural school for Nigerian children in Egypt, on the sidelines of the activities of the Devafrica training program, to inspect the progress of the new academic year within the Nigerian school, which actually began at the beginning of this week.

Mr. Mohamed Mashadi was accompanied on his tour by Dr. Reem Othman, Chairman of the Board of the i am trainee Company, Professor Abdul Rafi Saeed and President of the Nigerian Students Union, Professor Ashraf Al-Din Busiri, Director of the Administration of the Educational and Cultural School for the Children of Nigerians, and a number of members of the Nigerian School Owners Association in Egypt (ANSPE). In the Nasr City neighborhood

Mr. Mashadi, Dr. Reem, and the initiative team distributed a number of school tools and children’s stories to the students, which were admired by the attendees, within the framework of the (Devafrica) program of the African Youth Initiative, which aims to develop Africa.

At the end of the training program, memorial photos were taken with the students participating in a special integrated development program for Nigerian children, which included the participation of 7 educational schools for Nigerians through full coordination and cooperation with the Association of Nigerian School Owners in Egypt (ANSPE).

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