
by:Mahamed hema

Don’t rush against Time,

Don’t run to catch it.

Don’t regret wasted Time,

Don’t worry about coming Time.

There was enough Time for youTo achieve your Dreams.

There was enough Time to plant

There was enough Time to pull out

You had enough Time to destroy

And so much Time to build UP

Ther’s always time to cry

And ther’s enough time to laughing.

Ther’s Time to savez and another to throw out

Ther’s Time to tear and enough to Sew

Ther’s Time to keep silent

And ther’s Time to talk.It’s to you to make the choice.

الغردقه - شارع الشيراتون القديم بجوار فندق روما علي البحر - تليفون  0653447115  موبايل  - 01020238453

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