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The importance of search engine optimization in digital marketing


Written by: Heba Abdel Fattah  

Marketing has many great benefits that benefit all parties involved in the marketing process.

This is because companies that market their products and services actively contribute to making their own strong brand.

And it was able to prove its presence in the market as well as the ability to win the trust of its customers and its current and future audience.

 Marketing has many fields, one of the most important and that should not be neglected and ignored, is search engine marketing.

 This is because it has great importance and multiple benefits, which are of great benefit to companies that use it as a permanent marketing method in their work.

 Here, we will learn together about the benefits of search engine marketing and why we must work on it extensively and continuously.

Definition of digital marketing via search engine

Digital marketing via search engines, is a form of e-marketing, and it is intended for the website to appear within the first search results in search engines.

 This is considered one of the best types of marketing that companies can deal with their sites as well as with the sites of customers who deal with them as well.

 This is because the appearance of the site in the first search results means that there are very large visits to that site.

 Which companies can benefit from and make profits from many sources such as: Google Adsense, or by converting part of these visitors into customers, and those companies sell their products to them or make these customers participate in the services you provide.

And search engines can attract nearly 90% of the targeted visitors, who visit the companies’ websites on the Internet.

 This prompts many companies specialized in digital marketing to take an interest in the field of search engine marketing.

 Rather, she gives him great importance in her work, as well as makes more effort and strives to be superior and distinguished in that field, always continuing.

 Marketing through search engines helps save financial costs on companies that use it.

 There are a lot of companies investing very little money.

 In return, you get a good number of visitors and that number remains for a certain period, and then those companies return to advertising again in the search engines.

And so on until she achieves her big goal that she wants to achieve.

 SEO ads

Search engine optimization ads are one of the important things that all companies seeking to appear in the first results in search engines must do.

Companies use paid advertising on search engines, specifically the Google search engine.

 Where search engine ads offer very great advantages to companies that want to accelerate the growth rate of their business, as well as strive to attract targeted customers in large numbers.

 Therefore, all these companies have to do is to create a paid advertisement on the Google search engine and wait for the result of that advertisement to appear, which is expected to bring a lot of visits to the company’s website.

 Of course, those visits can become a large part of the company’s target customers.  Therefore, companies specialized in the field of e-marketing are interested.

By publishing the results of her advertising campaigns on search engines, those campaigns she had conducted for previous clients on her social media pages.

 And on the official website of those companies, in order to enhance confidence and add more credibility towards their current and new customers, and to motivate them to deal with them for long periods.

Search engine marketing and its many benefits

Search engine marketing has many benefits, which are as follows:

 Marketing through search engines opens the way for companies to get the best results at the lowest possible prices.

 This is because search engines are the main entry point for using the Internet.

Also, companies that use search engine marketing can gain the trust of customers.

 It also helps to quickly reach customers.

 Brand spread faster and wider.

 Businesses can easily manage their advertising schedule through Google Ads.

 Helping to achieve the best targeting of the already targeted customer segments.

 Increase website traffic by appearing higher in SERP search results

 Companies can match the ad with keywords and target the audience through those ads.

 Ads appear for free, and companies are only charged when action is taken by these customers.

 Show higher keyword results for competitors.

 Companies can analyze and measure performance and adjust in order to reach the best possible result.

As well as the benefits of marketing through search engines as an advertising company, the opportunity to place ads in front of customers who are looking for those companies and are excited to buy from them, and are also ready to make an immediate purchase, so those companies must be waiting for these customers, because customers do not wait in  A world full of competition, and in fact, there is no better way than that in terms of effectiveness and strength of influence that these companies can do.

Marketing through search engines promotes projects, services and commercial products and appears more, and targets a larger number of search engine users, and thus marketing companies ensure the spread of their commercial identity and increase their sales significantly and directly, because advertisements direct customers directly to the landing pages of companies, which  Through it, they enter the stage of selling, which has already been prepared in advance, in order to make the purchase or participate in the company’s commercial activity.

The summary here is that the importance of advertisements through search engines has many benefits, as we have already said.

 The company’s marketing expert prepares search engines by establishing an advertising campaign targeting specific keywords.  Thus, when anyone searches for the same word, the ad appears in the first search results.  Thus, the opportunity to click on the advertisement and make the purchase is very large and faster.  Thus, the success of the company’s trade increases and the spread of its online brands increases.

What is meant by the term SEM in the context of digital marketing

Search Engine Marketing

A strategy that increases visits to the company’s website, through paid advertisements, and also helps the company’s website to rank and rank on the first page of search engines, but all of this is not free, but through pay-per-click advertising.

The difference between SEM and SEO

Both SEO and SEM rely heavily on keywords to drive traffic to websites, but the difference between SEO and SEM marketing is that SEO depends on its focus on getting traffic from free results, but marketing  Via search engines SEM focuses on getting visitors from paid search.

 Example: Type in the search box on Google a specific topic and see the results that appear on the first page. We will find what appears at the beginning of the page attached to the word Ad, which is the SEM while the other results that follow are SEO

 Therefore, SEO works to enhance the process of digital marketing through search engines.

Paid SEM and SEO ads work together perfectly and provide website rankings at the top of paid search results, and also among the free first page rankings for consumers, offering additional opportunities to visit a company’s website and strengthen its brand credibility.

 There is a great opportunity for companies to have their websites among the most favorite and most visited sites by customers on an ongoing basis.

 Provided that you consistently provide useful and valuable content for them, search engine marketing allows companies to get hundreds of even

 And thousands and may reach millions of visits per day to its website, thus increasing its sales and making a lot of profits at an amazing speed.

الغردقه - شارع الشيراتون القديم بجوار فندق روما علي البحر - تليفون  0653447115  موبايل  - 01020238453

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