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The most powerful e-marketing strategies necessary for the success of your brand and e-store


Written by : Heba Abdel Fattah

E-marketing strategies have become of great importance and are the main factor for the success of the promotion process for any brand and its products and services.

  The digital consumer is increasing his interest in electronic platforms and thus increases his consumption of these products. E-marketing strategies are evolving to keep pace with this growth of the digital consumer and deal with him professionally.

In light of this great diversity of e-marketing strategies, how can you choose the most powerful strategy for your business?

Here we review a group of the most prominent e-marketing strategies so that you can choose the best ones for your online store.

 What’s the online marketing

Marketing is the traditional advertising campaigns that have been in place for many years for activities and brands.

 Now, with the presence of the Internet and the availability of a wide range of technologies and modern technological tools, there is a new protocol for marketing and advertising for brands, which is digital marketing.

What is meant by the term digital marketing or e-marketing is Internet marketing, that is, marketing using modern Internet tools, technology and techniques, which are:

Mobile Applications

 search engines



 Social media

E-marketing has been able to achieve success in proving its great importance since its inception, and it has achieved great demand from brands and companies.

Especially for the behavior of the shopper who is the daily target and who spends most of his time throughout the day browsing various internet networks, especially social networks, YouTube channels and podcasts,

Everyone turns to dealing online, whether in purchasing, professional or social transactions, and this has greatly helped in the success and development of e-marketing over time.

Therefore, in order to use digital marketing plans to promote your online store, it is necessary to know the different marketing strategies, in order to choose the right strategy for you and your business.

And now we present the most important main steps in developing a digital marketing strategy for your business, but first we start by presenting the most prominent e-marketing strategies.

Social media marketing strategy

This strategy is one of the most important e-marketing strategies at the present time, where social media is used, and the presence of millions of customers is constantly exploited.

 Therefore, through marketing through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and many others, you can reach a large audience, acquire new customers, and work to increase sales and thus achieve many profits.

 But it is necessary to carry out the analytical study in order to determine which of these means is the most suitable for your brand, and is close to your target customers, and therefore you must know that each marketing channel of these strategic platforms and techniques has its own.

For example, if you want to market through Instagram, you must show another aspect of your brand, that aspect will be more intimate and simple with your customers, and you must also take care of the quality of the photos and videos that you share with them on that platform.

 As for marketing through Facebook, you must conduct paid advertising campaigns, in order to reach your potential customers easily and quickly, as well as to ensure increased sales and thus profits.

 This means that each e-marketing strategy has the objective to be achieved, and the appropriate plan to achieve this objective.

Search Engine Marketing Strategy

The search engine marketing strategy or SEO, which is considered one of the most important digital marketing strategies and the main objective of which is to improve the visibility of your store in search engine results.

 Where it works using SEO tools and techniques, in order to improve the appearance of your store in the first search results, which helps the customer to reach you easily, and then interact with the products and services you provide.

 And this strategy offers two ways so that you can succeed through it and appear with your products on the first pages of search engines, the first method is to use various well-known e-marketing tools such as creating a blog, writing content,

 As for the second method, which is the use of paid advertising, in order to appear on the first page of your potential customers, and this method has proven effective, because it will ensure that you succeed in reaching your goals faster, because it makes you target your actual audience who is already looking for you.

Email Marketing Strategy

There is a large percentage of Internet users at the present time browsing their emails almost daily, and this makes the email marketing strategy one of the most powerful email marketing strategies at the present time, and despite the strength of the impact of social media platforms, the email marketing strategy  Electronic has a different taste, as it achieves amazing success.

 But it is necessary to develop a strong and successful plan for the form of e-mail messages for your products or services before sending them, so that your business can benefit from this strategy in marketing in the largest possible way. There are factors that you must apply when you are conducting an e-mail marketing campaign,

Those factors are:

Define a template for the email message format, so that it is simple and easy to understand for the target customers.

Categorizing clients according to their categories, ages, genders and interests.

Sending real and valid emails that are already being used.


Paid Advertising Strategy

The success in that particular strategy depends on the extent of mastery in the skill of paid advertisements, in general, the most important e-marketing skills that any e-marketer or brand owner must possess is mastery of dealing with paid advertisements, and here we talk about that strategy in detail and how to apply it,

 Through this strategy, you will need to pay money for the success of your marketing strategy, and this is one of the most important steps, especially if you are at the beginning of your way in your business, as this strategy ensures that you achieve rapid success and reach your target customers easily and quickly and earn more money.

There are various methods of paid advertising campaigns, which are:

 Search engine ads

Advertising through the search engine facilitates the Google ads campaign for you in order to reach the category of your target customers, who are already looking for you, and this ensures that you increase the percentage of sales and earn many profits, due to the high probability of customer interaction with your products.

Paid ads on social media

These ads are considered one of the most used methods among product owners and marketers, as the e-marketing strategy by advertising through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or any of the various social media, will greatly help in the emergence and spread of your brand.  business, and then reach the largest number of the target audience,

 Despite the cost that you will incur due to paying advertising, but it will ensure the success of the goals of your marketing strategy for your business.

But you must adhere to the criteria for creating paid ads in various social media, as well as choosing the appropriate platform for your products and target customers.

Influencer Marketing Strategy 

This strategy is considered one of the most famous classic marketing strategies, where a celebrity in society, art or sports is used to advertise brands on television or radio.

 And that strategy has developed at the present time with the development of various marketing methods, where the use of influencers and celebrities, but through social media, and using them already helps to achieve success for the brand, and then reap more profits.

 Facebook and Instagram are among the most famous social media that have a very large number of influencers, through which you can reach the largest percentage of customers through followers of these platforms, as these influencers contribute to reaching your products to achieve tremendous success in increasing sales and profits,  As well as the spread of your brand among a large number of customers and the formation of different audiences.

Content Marketing Strategy


 Content marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies in general, as it contains high-level tools and techniques. Professional, healthy, quality, and accurate content achieves amazing and sure results for the success of your products and brand.

 You can use the content marketing technology as it is dealt with through search engine marketing, creating a blog for your site,

 As well as by creating visual content, by designing a YouTube marketing plan.

 Emails also fall within the scope of the content marketing strategy, where you must choose an easy and simple writing language that is close to your customers, as well as choose the content of the messages carefully and accurately to reach your audience in a simple and smooth way, to make them accept the interaction with your brand easily and quickly,

The content of paid ads is also a prerequisite and important among the conditions for the success of your marketing campaign, because writing accurate and motivating content that describes your products or services in a simple, smooth and advertising manner and at the same time is also characterized by accuracy, all of which leads to increased customer enthusiasm, and the completion of the purchase process.


Certainly, we advise you on the importance of research, auditing, study and analysis before choosing the appropriate marketing strategies for your business,

 Because with the technological development of the Internet, it is necessary and necessary to develop an appropriate e-marketing strategy for your business, and this does not mean ignoring other types of e-marketing strategies, as well as not forgetting traditional marketing and offline marketing.


As I explained earlier, before you develop your e-marketing strategy, you must define some important things, for example, the goals you want to achieve after the end of your marketing plan, for example, will your goal be to increase the number of customers, or to document the brand,  Or an increase in sales.

 Therefore, we will discuss together the steps for developing e-marketing strategies in order to achieve success in marketing your products and services with the utmost professionalism.

Develop a digital marketing strategy for your online store

As we talked about previously, there are many different e-marketing strategies that are determined by the type of your business and some other factors such as:

Determine your business goals.

Do a study of the market, the quality of the audience and the pattern of potential customers, as well as the study of your competitors.

Determine the expectation of the type of potential customers that you will target with your brand,

This is one of the most important steps of your online store’s digital marketing strategy.

Determine the performance indicators by which you will evaluate the success and progress of your marketing strategy in your business.

Who is the target of the marketing campaign?

This question is the beginning of your thinking before developing your marketing strategy, this is the most important question that must be answered before you develop that strategy, so you must choose a person who symbolizes your business as a model, to determine what you will say to him and how you will say it.

This model is a copy of your potential customers in the future, so you will need to draw that model by doing some studies such as studying the market and your potential customers in a professional, accurate and realistic manner, and in your studies you must stay away from false expectations and facts, so as not to cause the failure of your brand’s marketing plan  commercial.

After you do your research and study, you will arrive at choosing the right model for your business personality, and this will be very easy after that.

There is no doubt that there is no such thing as a right marketing strategy or a wrong marketing strategy, the whole issue depends on the goal of your brand and also on the nature of your target customers.

In addition, there are other factors such as, the quality of your brand’s products, and the financial conditions of your business.

Therefore, you first need to study the goals of your brand, and secondly determine your target audience, so that you can choose the appropriate e-marketing strategies for your electronic products and services.


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